Connect Happy Cabbage with Tymber to achieve operational efficiency and a seamless shopping experience.
Happy Cabbage Analytics is a data analytics platform that helps cannabis retailers generate greater returns from marketing, operations, and inventory management.
Tymber is the digital growth platform that enables cannabis retailers to attract, convert and retain their own customers with their own website and mobile apps. Our headless, SEO-optimized, ecommerce platform empowers retailers to break their dependence on iframe menus and 3rd party marketplaces with a recognizable brand and frictionless shopping experience.
Customers are opted in to SMS marketing (with consent) when they create an account on your Tymber powered website or mobile app.
Target customer audiences that are most likely to buy now via SMS or paid advertisements with AI-powered segmentation.
Save time analyzing endless spreadsheets with pre-built analytics dashboards that let you filter KPIs and track growth across sales, marketing, and operations.
Send messages your customers want to read, stock products they’re more likely to enjoy, and empower your teams to deliver a customer experience that drives revenue.